Independent music distribution and publishing company that caters to all your music needs. Worldsta Entertainment Pty Ltd commonly known as "WorldstaTainment" was founded by Mr Lungile Mnyakeni in 2019 after developing much interest in assisting the up and coming artists with anything related to music industry. Founder of the company has been in the entertainment industry since 2014 when he moved to Johannesburg South Africa to pursue his dreams in the entertainment industry and appeared in various local drama as a featured artist, but then he saw the gap between artists who are far from the cities of dreams that is difficult for them to reach out to music services for their career growth that's when the passion for music business was born.
This is Worldstatainment website created by Worldsta Entertainment. Worldstatainment falls in ENTERTAINMENT line of business. You can visit us offline at our office located at : 70 Ikhwezi Street, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa - 2260 You can contact us by phone - *********1310 or email us on w*********************@g*****.com or use the Contact Form....
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